Charity Gaming Guild

About Us

The Charity Gaming Guild was established in 2021. Our aim is to raise money through gaming, primarily dungeons & dragons but other games too. We tend to raise funds for smaller charities that do not receive the same level of support that larger charities do and where our members have had personal experience of the support our charities provide.

Check out our previous beneficiary's page to see who we have helped so far.

So how does a charity receive support from us?

The Charity Gaming Guild's members nominate a charity at the start of each year which is voted on by the trustees. A large proportion of the funds raised throughout the year are then donated to the selected charity.

Funds are raised by member donations, regular games and our larger events. You can see our upcoming public events here.

You can check out our page on the charity commission for more information.

Our 2024 Charity

In 2024 our nominated is ADAPT.  ADAPT is a charity that provides support for families with premature and poorly babies on Leicester's Neonatal Units. They are a small local charity with no government funding and rely purely on people generosity and hard work to continue their valuable work. This charity was nominated due to the personal experience of one of our members and their family and the wonderful care and support ADAPT provided to them.

You can find out about ADAPT here.

How to get involved

If you would like to get involved with The Charity Gaming guild you can contact us via any of the methods below or you can just book into one of our events and come along. The events cater for all levels of experience so great for new and old players alike.

Check out our Discord server here.

Check out our Facebook here.

Check out our Patreon here.

Check out our events here.